About us
PROBIO ENERGY International is one of Europe’s leading Alternative fuel suppliers. PROBIO perform a key role in supplying fuel to Europe’s leading power producers on long term secure contracts, offering consistent on time quality deliveries.
By combining the team’s technical expertise and industry experience, PROBIO take the stress out of fuel supply. Dedicated quality control personnel audit fuel supply lines from the production site all the way through to final delivery and recovery.
Customers have been quick to recognise PROBIO’s role in delivering hassle free quality fuels as the team take care of all Environmental requirements such as the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Notification (TFS) and Financial Guarantees, a process which can often be time consuming and daunting for many end users.
With a dedicated Shipping Department the team use their shipping experience and knowledge of worldwide ports to optimise the best vessel types and class for regular shipments specific to the fuel supplied.
Any additional requirements including paperwork which may be required prior to each shipment, during the recovery process and after recovery are all taken care of to ensure customers remain compliant at all times with the restrictions of any TFS.